About Garrett Hunter

President and CTO at BLACKTOWER, Inc., Garrett leads organizations through the complex process of selecting and implementing software systems and realizing tangible benefits from their investment. In his spare time he writes about leadership, personal growth, and technology trends. Contact Garrett at [email protected].
22 02, 2018

Sending Email from WordPress

By |2018-06-09T14:24:37-07:00February 22nd, 2018|Tips, WordPress|0 Comments

There are many reasons why you may want to use a 3rd party email provider to send email from your WordPress site, such as if you are having deliverability issues on our platform, or if you are sending newsletters or other bulk email. Being a Blacktower customer means having many aspects of managing your site [...]

28 04, 2017

Consolidate Email Accounts with GMail

By |2017-07-12T13:15:30-07:00April 28th, 2017|Tips|0 Comments

Are you using a dozen different email accounts to separate your personal / work / shopping / spam / etc.? Is it driving you, your friends, and family bonkers? There is hope! Using the Send mail as and Check mail from other accounts features in G Suite/Gmail you can receive email from all your accounts [...]

24 04, 2017

Goodbye Robots

By |2017-04-24T15:08:28-07:00April 24th, 2017|Technology|0 Comments

Decided to stop including robots.txt in my WordPress sites for the time being. With Google presenting fully rendered pages in search results I prefer not blocking those webcrawlers and preventing them from finding required css and js files. The smart people at Yoast wrote up a good article explaining in more detail.

1 12, 2014

Residential Solar Power Becomes the New Disruptive Technology

By |2020-08-02T08:29:52-07:00December 1st, 2014|Technology|0 Comments

When I contemplated installing solar panels on my home the last thing on my mind was how it might impact my neighbors and my community at large. Until now, I knew little about how the electrical grid works and never imagined my tiny solar panels would be the proverbial straw that breaks the camel's back. The rapid growth of solar [...]

8 02, 2014

Don’t Let the Robots Control What You See

By |2020-05-29T10:00:45-07:00February 8th, 2014|Technology|0 Comments

Have you noticed how website advertisements seem to know what you been looking at in your browser? I started noticing it more frequently when I was shopping for smoke detectors for my house. After browsing a few on Amazon nearly all the ads I saw, across multiple sites, where ads for the same smoke detectors. It was [...]

18 11, 2013

Becoming Aware of Unconscious Biases

By |2020-05-29T09:59:23-07:00November 18th, 2013|Awareness|0 Comments

Biases can be dangerous if not kept in check. We all have them to one degree or another and when we are unaware of our own biases we run the risk of making poor decisions based on inaccurate information. As a consultant working with different clients it is important to me to minimize my own [...]

22 08, 2013

Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think

By |2021-02-22T22:39:34-07:00August 22nd, 2013|Reviews|0 Comments

By Peter M. Diamandis The authors provides real data demonstrating the upward trend in health, wealth, and public safety the world has witnessed over the past 100 years. They also offer several hypotheses on why we, as humans, gravitate towards focusing on negative news over positive news. This book will give you pause to consider [...]

4 06, 2013

Three Keys to Highly Effective Teams

By |2017-05-03T09:19:33-07:00June 4th, 2013|Leadership|0 Comments

When was the last time you considered the key factors that differentiate highly effective teams from less effective ones? What are highly effective teams in the first place? For starters, these teams get their jobs done with greater quality, more care, in a shorter amount of time, deal with challenges more proactively, have happier customers, and [...]

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